Tes for evidence-based biomarkers.
A signal for inflammation-driven tissue damage.
A master regulator of brain and hormonal function.
A flag for inflammatory immune response.
Book My MoldCo Starter Panel Now
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Book visit
Simply schedule your visit at your local lab, online.
Complete lab draw
Bring your pre-paid lab order during your appointment.
Receive results
Securely receive your test results (typically in 2-3 weeks).
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The information on this page is for educational purposes only. The results of this lab panel do not include clinician oversight, and should not be used to make a diagnosis or health claim without consulting your licensed healthcare providers. The information and guidance provided herein is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult your healthcare providers to rule out other potential illnesses or conditions that may be causing their symptoms. The purpose of this panel is to obtain measurements of blood biomarkers associated with Mold Toxicity or CIRS, as described in the medical and scientific literature, and which reflect clinical practice by certain mold-certified clinicians. Lab statistics describing the proportion of case positivity (Mold Toxicity cases that are out of range) for each analyte are based on pooled clinical records from patients who met all other diagnostic criteria for Mold Toxicity as described in the literature10,12. Any health-related claims made on or in this package, or on MoldCo’s website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). MoldCo assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of the references, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
MoldCo is a healthcare technology company and not a laboratory or medical provider. All laboratory and medical services are provided by independent third parties. These laboratory and medical service providers set their own pricing. Although MoldCo may facilitate easy access to certain laboratory and medical service providers on your behalf, MoldCo does not recommend or refer you to any healthcare providers, and you are free to choose any healthcare provider and to continue to use MoldCo’s services. MoldCo does not offer medical advice, laboratory services, a diagnosis, or any form of medical opinion, through our services or otherwise. If you have any questions regarding any laboratory results or other information that you access through MoldCo, we recommend that you discuss those questions with a primary care physician or other licensed provider. All material, information, data, and content that MoldCo provides is strictly for general information purposes. MoldCo’s pricing includes technology and service fees charged by MoldCo, as well as access to limited prepaid laboratory and other services provided by third parties, and paid to such third parties on your behalf. Itemization of all fees are available upon request. For other important information regarding the services provided by function health, please see terms of service. The biological analytes and clinical symptoms discussed on this page are not specific to any given disease, condition, syndrome, or other medical entity, including Mold Toxicity.